Admission Resources
USC Immersive Tour
Admission Advice Playlist
#USCAppAdvice Playlist
Get application advice from USC admission counselors. We cover topics such as essays, scholarships, fee waivers and more!
Financial Aid Resources
Learn about how to apply for and receive aid, how the financial aid process works and how to submit documents to our office.
To learn more about financial aid at USC please visit the USC Financial Aid website.
You can find the undergraduate admission counselor for your school or geographic area by searching our Find Your Counselor directory.
USC offers a broad range of majors and minors through our top-ranked academic and professional programs. Please refer to the USC Catalogue and navigate to “Programs, Minors and Certificates” for the most up-to-date list of degree programs.
Students can choose to apply to USC during high school or after high-school graduation, while attending another college or university. If you are still in high school, USC considers you a first-year applicant, regardless of the number of college units you completed prior to high school graduation. If you plan to attend USC right after your graduation from high school and you have not taken any college courses, you should apply to USC as a first-year student. Once you graduate from high school and begin to take college-level courses, you will apply as a transfer student. If you plan to apply to USC after attending college or university elsewhere, you can apply to transfer as early as your first year of college.
Students are welcome to visit campus for student-led tours, self-guided tours, and in-person admission and academic department information sessions.
Unable to make it to campus? Consider an immersive online tour, or join a first-year or transfer virtual information session. Some academic departments also offer virtual information sessions. Check the Meet Us section of the Admission website for more ways to learn about USC.