Julie Chiu

International Admission Officer

B.A. Sociology
University of California, Los Angeles

Arizona State University



I didn’t study abroad while I was in college so I made up for it as an adult. I lived in Beijing, China for seven years to work with the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and international admissions. I loved the intercultural experiences, from trying local street food to learning to speak Mandarin. Living abroad has given me an international network of friends, provided a global perspective, and inspired my passion for working in a multicultural environment.


Why USC?

USC offers a cornucopia of programs and resources from which to explore and learn. The university and the city of Los Angeles offers endless possibilities to experience something new and to enrich your college experience. USC is a global institution and has an incredibly dynamic atmosphere.


Admission Advice:

Join activities, clubs and choose your major that truly interests you. Pursue experiences and collect stories worth telling in your personal statement. Let your enthusiasm and your authentic voice shine through in your words.


Movie: Pretty Woman
Food: Bacon
Quote:Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so” — Mark Twain
Musical Performer: Prince
Book: Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court