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1 - 0 of 0 search results for 辦Seton Hall文憑西東大學畢業證成績單Q微信1989 88881做SHU留信網中留服認證海牙認證改SHU成績單GPA做SHU假文憑學位證高仿畢業證PDF電子版GRE代考如何申請薛頓賀爾大學Seton Hall University degree offer diploma Transcript,W23
Students who were admitted Early Action will receive an email update on Wednesday, January 29 regarding their status in the merit scholarship process.
Students who applied to portfolio-based programs by December 1 will receive scholarship information by April 1.
Reminder: Need-based financial aid is a separate process. There is still time to apply. Visit the Financial Aid website for more information.