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1 - 0 of 0 search results for 辦阪大文憑日本大阪大學畢業證成績單Q微信168899991辦阪大留信網中留服認證海牙認證改大阪大學成績單GPA辦大阪大學假文憑學位證畢業證PDF電子版ID駕照如何申請大阪大學Osaka University degree offer diploma Transcript,frog=f4vwiogc
Students who were admitted Early Action will receive an email update on Wednesday, January 29 regarding their status in the merit scholarship process.
Students who applied to portfolio-based programs by December 1 will receive scholarship information by April 1.
Reminder: Need-based financial aid is a separate process. There is still time to apply. Visit the Financial Aid website for more information.